Juicy curiosities / Guide to homemade baby food: how to blend fruit for babies

Guide to homemade baby food: how to blend fruit for babies

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When the time comes to introduce the first solid foods into an infant’s diet, fruit smoothies are an excellent choice. They are tasty, rich in nutrients and can also be easily prepared at home. Therefore, for you, a small guide on how to blend baby fruit and create delicious homemade smoothies. We will discover the basic steps, safe ingredients, and some helpful tips to make this a healthy and rewarding feeding experience for your baby.

Choosing the right fruit

When it comes to fruits for babies, it is important to choose fruits that are easy to digest and do not cause allergies. Opt for fresh, ripe fruits such as bananas, apples, pears or peaches. Avoid acidic fruits such as citrus and strawberries, which may irritate infants’ sensitive digestive systems. Start with only one fruit at a time to monitor for allergic or intolerance reactions.

Preparation and cooking

To prepare your homemade homogenized foods, wash the fruit thoroughly under running water to remove any pesticide residue or dirt. Peel and remove any seeds or hard parts, as in the case of apples or pears. You can steam or lightly boil the fruit to make it softer and easier to blend. Be sure to cook the fruit until tender but not overly soft.

Blend the fruit

After cooking the fruit, let it cool slightly before blending it. Use a suitable blender or food processor to get a smooth, even consistency. If necessary, add a little cooking water or pure water to make the smoothie smoother and easier for the baby to eat. Be sure to blend enough so as to avoid chunks or lumps.


If you have some of your homemade homogenized food left over, you can store it in small sealed containers and store it in the refrigerator for up to 48 hours. Avoid adding sugar or artificial sweeteners to the smoothie, as it is always best to avoid them at this early stage.

Written on: 23/06/2023
2 reading minutes

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